Environment and Climate, Social Rights
Environment and Climate, Social Rights
The Dannieh Sustainable Development Centre (DSDC) was created by the Union of Dannieh Municipalities to connect, engage and empower the community by providing opportunities for personal and economic growth.
They started with 300 direct beneficiaries despite being still under development. And, they are slowly becoming a major player in the region.
Tags: Youth participation, social rights, youths councils, Tunisia
Project type European Territorial Cooperation Project, under ENPI CBC Med.
The Metropolitan Area of Barcelona
Municipality of Saida
Hariri Foundation
Urban Community Al Fayhaa in the capacity of MedCities Knowledge Transfer Centre.
Municipal technical staff and political representatives, other public and private local stakeholders, citizens of Saida.
Start date 2011 – 2014
Until today, more than 500 beneficiaries from youth and women have participated in DSDC trainings and be trained.
More information on Union of Dannieh Municipalities: http://www.dannieh.com/