The government of Valencia, in Spain, has developed and published a set of seven guideline themes in order to introduce the gender perspective in the urban planning process.
Tags: City Development, Strategic Planning, Spatial Planning, Gender Equality
Project type Gender Equality in Urban Developments
Promoter Government of Valencia
Start date 2017
Funding Public funding
The government of Valencia has developed and published a set of seven guideline themes to promote the gender vision in urban planning processes. The minister of the Housing, Public Works and Territory Department presented the set during the awards ceremony of the First Awards for Housing, Urban planning and Mobility with Gender Perspective, dedicated to City Councils with more or less than 20.000 inhabitants. The main aim of these awards is to promote and reward projects that take into account gender equality.
The main aim of the set of guidelines is to offer a supporting framework to improve the technical training, education and awareness-raising in the gender perspective applied to urban planning and architecture, in order to introduce the final objective of equality between women and men in urban spaces and urban planning.
The resulting document is publicly available and gathers guidelines from seven different working areas such as City Model, Security perception, Public Space and Accessibility, Mobility, Housing, Representation and City Signposting and Citizen Participation. For each area, the document explains and defines the existing problems and several objectives and goals, and related examples of actuations as guidelines to introduce gender equality in urban planning processes in general. These objectives and actuation examples are proposed as recommendations or guidelines, existing many other objectives and proposals to complete the document. Some of the proposed examples and actuations are small and mean less effort, others are more complex to realise.
The document was drafted in regard of the European framework in matters of Gender Equality, meaning that they took into account the New Urban Agenda of the European Union and United Nations, as well as Spain’s Agreement of Association and the Operational Program for Sustainable Growth.