As part of the REMEDIO project, a public bike-sharing system has been installed in the City of Split, in order to reduce traffic congestions and improve the environmental conditions.
Project type Bike-sharing system
Promoter REMEDIO Project
Collaborators Split Council
Start date 2019
Funding Interreg-MED
Website Split bike sharing system
High-density areas surrounding the city centres with commercial and directional roads, often suffer from traffic jam. Beyond pollution, there are several consequences associated to traffic congestion, like the risk to become a wound within the city connectivity system, or a factor of additional economic crisis and even social exclusion.
The main objective of the project REMEDIO was to strengthen the capacity of cities to use low carbon transport systems and include them in their urban plans by testing existing mobility solutions, through an assessment tool, called the IMT_Integrated Modelling Tool (a multi-thematic modelling suite, designed to test and evaluate the effectiveness of soft actions mobility solutions), and participatory governance schemes.
The main project outputs have been: (a) The creation of an Integrated Modelling Tool (IMT) for low carbon mobility solutions assessment; (b) To set a new participative governance model fùor roads, based on the “horizontal condominium” concept, an innovative model of participatory governance based on sharing a common vision together with the main stakeholders; (c) To pilot mobility measures (d) Develop awareness and educational paths on sustainable urban mobility behaviour.
A mixed (traditional and e-bikes) public bike-sharing system has been implemented. More than 50 bikes distributed among 8 electric station docks. The implementation is intended to reduce traffic congestions, especially during summer season, and to positively impact on air and noise pollution.