Waste management and separate collection in M’Saken
Environment and Climate Change, Waste management, Separation at source, Domestic composting, Communication and awareness...
Environment and Climate Change, Waste management, Separation at source, Domestic composting, Communication and awareness...
Environment and Climate Change, Waste management, Waste management; Optimization of waste collection and transfer; Electric vehicles...
Environment and Climate Change, Waste management, Migration, Social cohesion...
Environment and Climate Change, Waste management, Waste prevention, Reuse circuits, Glass bottles, Circular economy...
Environment and Climate Change, Waste management, Waste prevention, Reuse circuits, Waste from Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE), Circular economy...
Environment and climate change, Heritage-based solutions, Cooling architecture, Community empowerment, MENA...
Environment and climate change, Sponge city, Flood mitigation, Ecosystem modelling, Izmir...
Environment and climate change, Environment and Climate Change, Biodiversity restoration, Urban micro-lungs, Greater Amman...
Environment and climate change, Living lab, Green roofs, Therapeutic gardens....
Environment and climate change, Heat resilience, Heat Action Plan, Urban cooling, Urban Heat Island....
Environment and climate change, Vulnerable communities, Health plan, Heat waves...
Environment and climate change, Vulnerable communities, Rooftop farming, Urban agriculture, Community involvement....
Environment and climate change, Construction materials, Cool materials, Urban Heat Island, Urban microclimate....
Heat adaptation strategy, Communal gardens, Urban gardens, Food production, Urban Heat Island, Social cohesion....
Heat adaptation strategy, Bioclimatic shelters, Urban Heat Island, Urban biodiversity, Environment and biodiversity, Heat adaptation strategy, Cooling spaces,...
Heat adaptation strategy, Bioclimatic shelters, Urban Heat Island, Urban biodiversity, Environment and biodiversity...
Renaturation strategic plan, Urban cooling, Urban biodiversity, Green spaces, greener cities, trees, climate shelters, Re-naturing, Green corridors, Urban cooling, Flood prevention...
Renaturation strategic plan, Urban cooling, Urban biodiversity, Green spaces, greener cities, trees, climate shelters...
Environment and Climate Change, Water Management, Strategic water plan, Water management, drought, floods...
Urban drainage, Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems, Flood prevention, water management, environment and climate change...
Nature strategy, Biodiversity conservation, Citizen engagement, urban planning, green cities, environment and biodiversity...
Compact urban planning, urban planning, Urban agriculture, Urban gardens, Urban biodiversity, Social awareness...
Environment and Climate Change, Urban planning, flooding, heavy rains, resilience, València, climate change, heatwaves, extreme heat, sea level rise, water permeabilization...
Environment and Climate Change, Urban planning, flooding, heavy rains, resilience, Roma, climate change, heatwaves...
Environment and Climate Change, Resilient Cities, Mediterranean Cities,Urban Forest Contract, Climate Change, Ancona, citizen participation...
Environment and Climate Change, Resilient Cities, Mediterranean Cities, Rivers, Climate Change, Metropolitan Area of Barcelona, Environmental recovery...