In September 2019, the M’Saken Municipality took part in the launch of participatory processes and trainings for the creation of a youth council as a means to reinforce participatory democracy and appropriation of local affairs for and by youth. Following that process, a youth council (namely “Conseil des Jeunes”) was elected by young citizens. The council is composed by 30 young counselors, women and men, ages 18 to 32, from several neighborhoods of M’Saken, as well as representatives from local youth organizations.
Year: 2021
Tags: youth participation, youth policies, governance, Tunisia
To implement a space for dialogue, coordination, communication and participation between M’Saken’s young citizens and the Municipality. The youth council enables young people to express their demands concerning local affairs participate and acquire experience in decision-making.
Specific objectives
Project type Social cohesion, Economic development
Dannieh Union of Municipalities.
Collaborators: Dannieh Youth Dialogue Organisation, Sfireh Women Association, Cooperative Association for Agriculture and Irrigation in Dannieh
Catalan Agency for Development and Cooperation
Start date January – May 2021
To support the sense of belonging to the city and encourage youth engagement in local affairs, the Municipality of M’Saken, with the technical support from MedCities and the financial support from the Catalan Agency for Development Cooperation, has implemented a process of youth participation.
This process aimed to establish areas of genuine cooperation and coordination within the municipality through the creation of the “Conseil des Jeunes”.
The Conseil des Jeunes, as an advisory body, aims to:
The Youth Council started its work in February 2021.
Actions taken