In 2016, Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole decided to publicly manage its water management system at the end of the concession to a private company. The experience of this transition into public company shows some interesting aspects in public management and public participation. Above all, the creation of a Water Observatory can be considered a step forward towards better citizen engagement.
Tags: Citzen Participation, Water Management, Smart Grid
Project type Publicly managed water system
Promoter Montpellier Metropole
Operative Budget 2017 9.400.000€
Start date 2016
Water Observatory budget 2017 10.000€
Investment budget 2017 Tap water 13.000.000€ / Reused water 23.200.000€
Website www.montpellier3m.fr
Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole was created in 2010. Water management is one of its main competences. Taking advantage of the end of the contract with the company that managed the service in 2015, it was decided to provide a publicly managed water system. Montpellier Métropole set up a “Régie des Eaux”, a french form of public company.
In this company the main threats to be tackled were how to make the water system more transparent and accountable. The way of calculating the fares, the costs and expenditure of the system were the main issues addressed.
Due to all these characteristics, special care was given to citizen involvement into the decision making process – 4 seats in the Board of Directors and a significant presence into the advisory body created: Montpellier Water Observatory.
This Observatory is an interesting form of developing participatory processes among the key social actors of the city. With a small budget, the Observatory can be a place for citizen empowerment.
Furthermore, the management of the water cycle has to be done considering water as a public good, and beyond the difficulties in reverting the old system, trying to make clear the environmental commitment, the preservation of the main sources of water, and the waste water treatment. Montpellier Métropole has also invested resources for the creation of a network of reused water.