Climate Change and Environment Monitoring
Climate Change and Environment Monitoring
Climate change is having a dramatic impact on the Mediterranean. The Tyre Coast Nature Reserve (TCNR) is the richest nature reserve in Lebanon. However, the reserve is struggling to offset the impact of invasive alien species, exacerbated by the effects of climate change.
In a process facilitated by MedCities, TCNR managers initiated the establishment of a regular monitoring of climate change impacts, based mainly on the use of local ecological knowledge of experienced fishermen or other sea users to reconstruct historical changes in species abundance and distribution, to detect new species at an early stage, and to regularly monitor climate-sensitive species of both native and exotic origin.
Tags: Climate Change Adaptation, Natural Protection, Local Knowledge, Citizen Participation, Cultural Heritage, Tyre
Project type Climate Change & Environment Monitoring
Partners Tyre Coast Nature Reserve, MedCities
Climate change is having a dramatic impact on the Mediterranean Sea, which is warming three times faster than the global average. Mediterranean marine protected areas are already experiencing, or are expected to experience within the next few decades, major biodiversity and functional alterations due to climate change. There is therefore an urgent need to mitigate these risks and explore adaptation options in partnership with local communities, decision-makers, civil society organizations, research institutions and other socio-economic actors at local, national and regional levels.
The Tyre Coast Nature Reserve (TCNR) is the richest nature reserve in Lebanon. The reserve strives though to offset the impact of invasive alien plant and fish species exacerbated by the climate change effects.
The “ENhancing Socio-Ecological RESilence in Mediterranean coastal areas” (ENSERES) project is a capitalization project funded by the European Union’s ENI CBC Med programme. It focuses on the transfer, replication and scaling up of successful and effective Integrated Coastal Zone Management and ecosystem-based management tools and practices developed from past and ongoing initiatives in the project pilot areas (including Tyre and TCNR).
In this light, the TCNR stakeholders have selected, in a participatory manner, the most appropriate tools to respond to local priorities. In this context, the TCNR and MedCities have chosen to implement, through a mentoring process, the “Monitoring Climate Change Impacts in Mediterranean MPAs” tool, which includes the following protocols
A specialized training programme was delivered by a scientific expert to TCNR staff and associated stakeholders. The training focused on the LEK-1 and LEK-2 protocols. In addition, the programme aimed to provide the skills necessary to implement underwater visual census techniques to monitor the effects of climate change in the reserve.
This training took place from 23 October to 1 November 2023 and included theoretical courses, fieldwork intersessions by trainees, followed by debriefing sessions with the trainer.
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