The action has supported the Dannieh Union of Municipalities in building capacity to secure local and inclusive fresh food production and supply within the territory.
Tags: sustainable agriculture, economic development, Lebanon
Enhancing the role of municipalities on the activation of local food security and social inclusion through building capacity for urban and peri-urban agriculture production especially addressing vulnerable population.
Specific objectives
Project type Social cohesion, Economic development
Dannieh Union of Municipalities.
Collaborators: Dannieh Youth Dialogue Organisation, Sfireh Women Association, Cooperative Association for Agriculture and Irrigation in Dannieh
Catalan Agency for Development and Cooperation
Start date January – May 2021
Dannieh Union of Municipalities is a strongly agricultural territory and has the advantage to count with water resources. However, the sector lacks professionalization and thus efficiency. Enhancing the agricultural practices is therefore key to the socio-economic development of the territory and its resilience.
The action sought to increase this capacity strongly engaging the Union of Municipalities and key social actors as the Youth Dialogue Association, one of the local Women Association and an agriculture cooperative through a series of 19 face-to-face training sessions to address the various problems encountered by the sector in the region. 50 selected candidates participated at the trainings highlighting good agricultural practices (15 sessions, 5 of them on the field), marketing and distribution of agricultural products (3 sessions) and the potential of agriculture as an instrument for social cohesion and collaborative economies (1 session) including a step-by-step guide for the launching of such initiatives. During the closing ceremony, with presence of the head of the Mennieh-Dannieh district and representation of the Ministry for Agriculture of Lebanon, all trainees received a certificate and a basket of seeds and agricultural materials. The key elements of the training have been published in a booklet for participants and for further dissemination. A social media campaign and the resulting training and communication materials served to widespread the experience and raise awareness on the need to reinforce this strategic economic sector.
The continuity of the efforts will be assured by the long term technical advice that the local agriculture cooperative has committed to deliver to all trainees engaged in the action.