Video language: English
A conversation with Fabio Vallarola (Ancona), an architect with a PhD from La Sapienza University, Rome. He is also the head of Environment and Green Economy at the Municipality of Ancona and a professor at the Polytechnic University of Marche. He is the former director of several national parks, including the Torre del Cerrano Marine Protected Area. He holds degrees in Tourism Sciences, Landscape-Environmental Design, and Marine Biology. Nowadays is the Head of Environment and Green-Economy of Ancona Municipality.
Tags: Urban Forest Contract, urban planning, coastal cities, resilience, Ancona, climate change
Rising temperatures, heat waves, heavy rainfall, flooding, and cost erosion are some of the problems currently shared by Mediterranean cities. For this reason, some fifteen experts from cities that are part of the MedCities network have shared the solutions they are implementing in their cities to adapt to the climate crisis.
During the workshop ‘Metropolitan initiatives to adapt to climate change in the Mediterranean’, which took place on 18 and 19 September 2024 at the headquarters of the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona (AMB), the experts shared their experiences around four round tables. Increasing coastal resilience to climate change and the restoration of ecosystems, urban planning in cities, sustainable mobility, and green and key infrastructures were the central themes of this event organised by MedCities, in collaboration with and with funding from the AMB.
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