In the context of Sustainable MED Cities project, the City of Sousse has developed its own SBTool (Sustainable Building Tool) and an SNTool (Sustainable Neighbourhood Tool) for measuring the current sustainability level of the Sahloul 3 neighbourhood and of a building belonging to that area. Through the application of the Sustainable MED Cities Decision-Making methodology, they have identified the optimal package of interventions to improve the sustainability of the area and the building assessed.
Tags: sustainability assessment, decision-making, methodology
The retrofit concept identified by the City of Sousse, namely the “Eco-Quartier Sahloul 3”, allows to achieve an eco-responsible neighborhood through the implementation of the following measures:
Project type
Capitalization project implemented in the framework of ENI CBC Med Program
Lead beneficiary: Secretary of Urban Agenda and Territory – Ministry of the Vice-presidency, Digital Policies and Territory, Spain, Cataluña.
Partner 1: iiSBE Italia R&D S.r.l. – I.S. Italy
Partner 2: Municipality of Sousse, Tunisia
Partner 3: Moukhtara Municipality, Lebanon.
Partner 4: Greater Irbid Municipality, Jordan,
Partner 5: Management Unit of Special Account for Research, NATIONAL OBSERVATORY OF ATHENS, Greece
Associate 1: United Nations Environment Programme – Mediterranean Action Plan Coordinating Unit – Barcelona Convention Secretariat, Greece.
Associate 2: Asociación MedCities y/o MedCités, Spain.
Total budget: € 0.7 million.
EU contribution: € 0.6 million.
Project co-financing: 15%.
Implementing period
October 2021 – December 20
Sustainable MED Cities project has provided Mediterranean municipalities with a system of innovative tools and methodologies aimed to enhance their capacity in implementing and monitoring efficient measures, plans and strategies to improve the sustainability of cities, neighbourhoods and buildings in relation to the Mediterranean Strategy for Sustainable Development 2016-2025. The SMC tools and methodologies developed in the project have been tested in three pilot case studies by the three partner municipalities: Irbid, Sousse and Moukhtara.
To prepare the optimal retrofitting concept for a urban area and single buildings a detailed decision-making methodology has been applied by the three cities.
The decision-making methodology is based on the use of the assessment tools SNTool, (urban scale) and SBTool (building scale). The process adopts a participatory approach to maximise the involvement of stakeholders in the preparation of the retrofit concept. The participatory approach follows the PGS methodology (Participatory Guarantee System).
The decision-making methodology is articulated in 7 consecutive steps, as follow:
Following the procedure, the Municipality of Sousse has prepared the optimal retrofitting concept for the city.
The Eco-Quartier Sahloul 3.
The scenario plans to make Sahloul 3 an eco-responsible neighborhood through the implementation of the following objectives: