We all need care and support throughout our lives. Cities play a key role in fostering services and programs that ensure all peoples’ care needs are met.
Effective care policies take a transformative, integrated, gender-sensitive and systemic approach, accounting for the voices and aspirations of caregivers and care-receivers.
Yet, practical guidance for how local governments can develop care systems – using existing resources and mandates – remains scarce.
Metropolis has developed a living toolkit for local, regional and metropolitan governments which localizes the ILO’s 5R Framework for Decent Care Work, offering cities strategies to Recognize, Reduce and Redistribute unpaid care work and Reward and Represent care workers.
It does so through a combination of practical policy solutions and case studies to take concrete steps toward reducing women’s time poverty and building inclusive care systems.
By investing in care, cities can address deep-rooted inequalities and create a more just and sustainable future for all. Download the toolkit to discover how your city can implement transformative care policies.
Tags: care, toolkit, care work, care jobs, metropolitan areas, cities
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