
These general terms and conditions regulate access and usage of the Medurbantools website (www.medurbantools.com), which is managed and owned by the MEDCITIES Association, with registered offices at Barcelona (08040), carrer 62, núm. 16-18, edifici B, and Spanish Tax Identification Number G66401258.

Access to the Medurbantools website and to information related to any of the products and services it contains entails accepting the conditions set out in this Legal Notice. For that reason, we advise you to read the content in full if you wish to use and access the information and services provided through the Medurbantools website.


Validity of the Information

The information set out in these pages is valid on the date when it was last updated. MEDCITIES declines all liability for the validity of information entered by other members of the MEDCITIES network.

These terms and conditions are valid from the date when they were last updated. MEDCITIES reserves the right to change them at any time, in which case they will take effect from the time they are published and will apply to all users of the website from that moment on.

Unless expressly specified to the contrary, the content of the website and, in particular, the informative references should not be construed as a binding offer. MEDCITIES reserves the right to make changes or omit part or all of the current contents of the Medurbantools website whenever it wishes and to prevent or restrict access to it on a temporary or permanent basis.


Privacy Policy and Data Protection

MEDCITIES complies in full with current legislation on personal data protection and with the non-disclosure commitments inherent to public activity.

MEDCITIES has taken all the necessary technical steps to maintain the required level of safety, depending on the nature of the personal data processed and the circumstances of that processing, with the aim of preventing them from being altered, lost, processed or accessed by unauthorised parties, as far as it is able and in all cases in accordance with the current status of technology.

When a user is asked to complete a form in which personal data is obtained, that user will be informed of the recipient of that information, the purpose for which the data will be used, the name and address of the party responsible for the file and the power of users to exercise their rights of access, correction, cancellation and opposition to the processing of their data. The personal data obtained will only be used and assigned for the expressed purpose, in all cases with the consent of the user.

To ensure the information in our files is permanently updated and contains no errors, we ask our users to inform us as soon as possible of any changes and corrections to their personal data.

Some of the pages of the Medurbantools website have cookies; these are tiny data files generated in the user’s computer that allow our systems to remember the selected language and website as well as other browsing features or preferences of the user during the first session. These “cookies” are not invasive or harmful and do not contain any personal data; their only function is to customise browsing in the manner described above.


Intellectual and Industrial Property

The Medurbantools website, its pages and the information or elements contained therein include texts, documents, photographs, drawings, graphic elements, databases, software and logotypes, trademarks, commercial names and other distinctive signs that are protected by intellectual or industrial property rights of which MEDCITIES is the owner or authorised licence holder. Copying of such documents is allowed unless specified to the contrary, as long as:
They are not used for commercial purposes.
All the copies are available at no cost.
The integrity of the documents is strictly maintained.
Explicit mention is made of the fact that www.medurbantools.com is the source of the documents and copyright over those documents is reserved and limited.
The intellectual property rights of persons outside MEDCITIES who post their works on the Medurbantools website belong to their authors. The sending of such works for publication to the Medurbantools website entails a transfer of the rights in order for them to be posted in this website.

MEDCITIES is unable to vouch for the legitimacy and legality of the information or the elements set out in the Medurbantools website pages if they are not owned by MEDCITIES.

Public or official documents are not regulated by author’s rights. The information set out in those documents must be used solely for personal or professional purposes. The use of these documents for commercial purposes is strictly forbidden.

Such documents may be printed or copied using electronic methods provided the four conditions set out above are met.



MEDCITIES cannot guarantee continued access or correct viewing or use of the elements and information contained in the page of the MEDCITIES website, which may be prevented, hindered or interrupted by issues or circumstances beyond its control.

MEDCITIES declines liability for information and other contents included in third-party spaces or websites which are accessible from the Medurbantools website through links and hyperlinks or for information and other contents included in spaces or websites of others from which access to the Medurbantools website or any of its web pages can be made through links or hyperlinks, or for information and contents of any third-party website which is presented under the appearance or distinctive signs of MEDCITIES, unless authorised by the latter.

MEDCITIES and its information providers and third parties assume no liability for any information, contents, products and services offered or provided through the Medurbantools website by third parties or entities and, in particular, for any damages or harm that could occur associated with the above due to: (i) missing elements or faults in information provided to users or the truthfulness, accuracy and sufficiency of such information; (ii) breach or faulty or inadequate compliance with agreements or pre-contractual relationships; (iii) breach of obligations incumbent on information society service providers; (iv) violation of consumer and user rights; (v) violation of intellectual and industrial property rights; the perpetration of acts of unfair competition or illicit advertising; (vi) violation of data protection rights; violation of trade secrets and the right to reputation, personal and family privacy and personal image rights; (vii) in general, breach of any laws, customs or codes of conduct that may apply, and (viii) any decision taken that depends on information furnished through the Medurbantools website.

Neither MEDCITIES or the information providers and third parties will assume any liability for damages, losses, claims or costs incurred due to: (i) interferences, interruptions, faults, omissions, telephone failures, delays, blockages or disconnections in the operation of the electronic network due to faults, overloads and errors in lines and telecommunication networks, or due to any other cause beyond the control of MEDCITIES; (ii) illegal interferences through the use of malicious software in any communications medium, e.g. computer viruses or any other similar elements; (iii) improper or inadequate use of the MEDCITIES website pages; (iv) security or browsing errors caused by malfunction of the browser or by the use of non-updated versions thereof.



The Medurbantools website is available in English and French. In the event of contradictions among the two versions, the English version will prevail.



Unless otherwise stated, all the images of the website are property of PhotoAisa and the members of MEDCITIES network.


Applicable Law

These general terms and conditions will be regulated by Spanish common law.