Waste, environment and climate change, city srtategy and governance
Waste, environment and climate change, city srtategy and governance
The Greater Jerash Municipality (MedCities member city) is located 48 km north of the capital Amman, with an area of 160 km2. Solid waste management in Jerash municipality is considered one of the most important challenges for the city, due to the increase in population, urban expansion, the Syrian refugee crisis, and the rise in fuel prices.
The annual cost of fuel for vehicles working to collect waste for 2019 and 2020 was respectively 166,307 Jordanian Dinars (JD) and 172,723 JD. This constitutes a financial burden on the municipal budget. The municipality worked to find solutions to reduce the high cost of transporting waste from the municipality’s areas to the Ekidar landfill, which is 70 km away from the municipality area.
Diesel demand for trucks covering long distances to deliver waste to the Ekidar landfill was consuming over 30% of the municipality budget. The decision to acquire more sustainable vehicles and optimizing collection routes helped to decrease this annual expense by using self-produced renewable energy
Project type Optimization of waste collection and transfer
Partners The Greater Jerash Municipality (Implementing entity)
Dates 2019-2020
Funding German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
The project is based on the optimization of waste collection by introducing electric trucks supplied by energy produced from an on-site solar PV system that has been dimensioned to cover the annual electricity needs for the service buildings and the waste transportation.
Besides, the project planned both to analyse the routes of waste trucks to improve the waste collection system and build a warehouse dedicated to waste management to facilitate the transfer.
The mentioned actions are expected to reduce costs and environmental impacts of the waste management system in Jerash.
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