The project is focused on the evaluation and reprogramming of the strategic plan, and the presentation of the Action Plan for the period 2011-2016. This project complements another initiative from Foundation CIEDES about the follow-up and the update of the Tetuan Strategic Plan. Technical assistance was based on training and consultation from the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona (AMB) and ECU to a local team of the City of Tetuan, and support, assistance and coordination of AERYC.
Tags: Strategic Planning, Citizen Participation, City Finance
Project type City Strategic Planning
Promoter Commune Urbaine de Tétouan
Start date 2011
Budget 3.512,85 million Dirhams
The importance of the 2011-2016 Communal Development Plan (PCD) lies in the fact that it opened the way for local authorities and actors to act according to the rules of good governance and to avoid anarchy and improvisation in the choice of development projects, as well as the activation of the role of the Commune in economic and social development. It also makes it possible to ensure coherence and optimize the actions of the various local actors while placing great importance on the involvement of the citizens in the diagnosis and proposal of projects and the determination of priorities.
Unlike the approaches and techniques adopted by other municipalities, the methodology applied to the Urban Commune Tetuan does not follow the traditional SWOT matrix (Forces, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats). The innovative approach in strategic planning distinguishes itself by the Facts-Challenges Projects. This methodological approach is easily understandable for citizens allowing setting up a global process of participation that, no doubt, led to on an optimization of the results.
Through its participatory approach, the elaboration of the PCD was carried out according to a democratic approach, based on the real city context.
Adopting this strategy, the Urban Commune of Tetuan took the decision to develop its PCD for the next six years according to law, from a perspective of sustainable development and with a participative approach. In order to take advantage of Tetuan’s geographical location, the PDC try to highlight the cultural and architectural heritage, and to improve economic competitiveness and social cohesion of its 380.787 inhabitants (2014).