Youth participation is defined as a process in which young people, as engaged citizens, express their opinions, have decision-making power, and are effectively involved in issues that affect them.
The project, funded by the Catalan Agency of Development Cooperation, aims at creating a Local Youth Council and at reinforcing the capacities of the Municipality of M’Saken in implementing local youth policies.
This project involved the members of the Municipal Council and the administrative executives of the municipality of M’saken, young members of associations of the city and young people representing the 16 districts of the city.
It was implemented by the municipality of M’saken, funded by the Catalan Cooperation Agency and technically supported by MedCities.
In addition to this manual, and in order to reinforce the soft skills of youth and civil society representatives, MedCities, in cooperation with the Municipality of M’Saken launched in September 2019 a participatory process and trainings for the creation of a coordination structure among the youth and the Municipality as a means to reinforce participatory democracy and appropriation of local affairs.
Read the manual here.
Tags: Youth, participation, society, Tunisia, M’Saken